Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Teachers' Day

Tomorrow is teachers' day eve...hope to go back to my sec sch but really cannot find time...will find time during my recess to go back..ha..it has become a yearly practice for me le...i love xinmin and my beloved teachers!..ha, especially now my school has finished renovation so wish to go see see...

Today, i went tuition and my student really surprised me...he presented me a teachers' day card! first time, i received teachers' day card...so touched...he always make me laugh one cos he's so cute and funny...caring also..will ask me to drink more water or stay back to have dinner...his younger brother also...very adorable..like to hug and kiss people to show affection..so i'm hugged and kissed by him before..very cute, right? ha...they draw on the card..although drawings quite weird ( got fire, snake, me, themselves) ha....but i really appreciate it....

Lastly, i wish all teachers happy teachers' day!! thank you for your hard work.....:)

dreaming @ 11:05 PM

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Yesterday was the second time I sang in front of strangers...ha..first time was in sec school....yesterday was my cca..and our assignment was to prepare a song to sing in front of everybody..scary..Well, my friends and I sang "lao shu ai da mi" cos we thought melody was catchy and quite easy to co-ordinate..We had no time to rehearse so did not sing really that well..ha..but we did manage to win the title of being the "most organised" group...ha...

Ya, one more thing to say is that I had helped my friend to step forward to her dream..hee...Cca ended at around 9 and there's an audition going on for mooncake festival celebration...but we decided to go home..we were on bus le but suddenly, she felt that she wished to go back to audition..in the end, we got out of bus and we accompanied her back to school..She was about to give up when she heard she needed to be the last to sing and it would be really late by then..however, my other friend and I did not give up and pleaded for her and finally, the person in charge let her go first..ha...

All ended well but I was real tired as I reached home at 11.30pm...so late..ha..but it was worthwhile...I dun wan to see my friend giving up before trying cos my motto is "dun give up easily or u'll be letting urself down"..haha....jia you le, pal....hope u can make it through audition...support u always!!

dreaming @ 2:24 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Today was my observation day for my assignment...I needed to observe two shopping centers and it was really hard...one got many shoppers that I lost count..the other one I got spotted and the salesgirl was suspicious of me...I could even heard her whispering "what is she copying?" Therefore, I had to go away le in case she came and confront me, thinking i'm a spy..mm..not skilful enough...that put in spot cos I couldn't find another similar location..argh...so I walked here walked there, trying to find the "prefect" place, alone in orchard road..looking like a blur tourist..ha..with paper and pen in my hands. But finally, I did manage to complete but think a bit inaccurate...ha..but I gave up le..

The most fruitful part was not being able to complete my task but was to see a very strange-looking dog...It was very huge and furry..It don't look like typical dog, instead it looked like a bear...very cute..first time saw this kind of dog, too bad I didn't have a camera phone...it attracted a lot of attention..it was lying on the floor with the owner beside it..ha..cool..think it is already used to all those camera flashes and stares le ba..

dreaming @ 10:21 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Songs can do wonders..

For the past few days, I dunno why but I have the feeling of uncertainty and insecure..something is troubling me but I dunno where the source of this feeling really is maybe I think too much, maybe I interpret wrongly...this feeling of lost is deep within me and no one knows cos I dun show it on my face or tell anyone. I think no one will understand and may even say I wu liao ba..ha..

but luckily this feeling is slowly fading away le...credits go to two songs..yup, two songs...very optimistic and cheerful songs. The lyrics motivate me and after listening to them umpteen times, I become more cheerful le..everything seems brighter as I listen to the songs nth times on my Discman on the way to school today..ha..they are my healing songs and I think I will listen to them whenever I feel down or lose hope..finally find a way to self-cure le...

dreaming @ 11:54 PM

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Thanks for participating..

Hi, all..i guess the quiz has ended cos think no one else will take le ba...ha..my social circle very small de...thanks for those who took the time to do my quiz...can see what questions u all answer wrongly..quite amazed at wat some of u think of me..ha...okie, thanks again and take care, u pple....

dreaming @ 1:50 PM

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Do u know me well??

Hee, recently got affected by the quizzing season started by my friend...so i decided to create a quiz about myself to see who knows me better...ha...friends, please do them..k..give me some face....ha...remember to write ur name that i can identify...thanks a lot!!

Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

dreaming @ 1:52 PM

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Mystery revealed

Been to all my tutorial classes, so now i know all my classmates and tutors...well, not bad so far.my tutors all seem friendly and humorous...i hope this remains throughout the semester..hee...but feeling stressful also cos projects coming up le..sounds tough...how to survive!! haiz... recently read a book...there's a part where i find quite interesting so hope to share with u pple...

Difference between a gift and a present:
A present is a thing but a gift is broader and often intangible. It is a small act of kindness, the willingness to bend to another's needs, the sacrifice of time and effort. Love is a gift. Any expression of it, freely given, is an offering from the heart that is immeasurably better than a present...

My thoughts: Sometimes we don't realise that we are constantly receiving gifts from other people..etc: parents, friends...they give us concern, kindness and love..all those are gifts even though many pple dun realise that..so be a gift to someone cos that's the most precious "present" u can give to a person...ha...

dreaming @ 9:57 PM

~Simply Me~

Flying Paper
Likes to dream and sleep :P

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This blog is simple cos it's about me.

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