Thursday, March 29, 2007

I'm worried

I'm worried that I can't find a job by the time I graduate which is about two months time. :(

The resume and cover letters I have sent did not receive any reply :(

I can't be jobless!! I need a job!! :(

Where will I be in two months time? I wonder what holds for me in the near future.........

dreaming @ 11:25 PM

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Good morning!

© Jeff Thomas // Azuzephre

dreaming @ 10:09 PM

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy Food

What food do you think of when you think of happy food? Yes, it's chocolate!

Haha, most people know that by eating chocolate, the brain will release endorphins, the chemicals that make us feel good.

Interestingly, a study found that babies born to women who had been eating chocolate daily during pregnancy were more active and "positively reactive" - a measure that encompasses traits such as smiling and laughter. Chemicals in chocolate associated with positive mood could have possibly being passed on to the baby in the womb.

Wow...chocolate is powerful, isn't it? hee hee..... I love chocolate!

dreaming @ 9:15 PM

Friday, March 23, 2007


This week is a super busy week and yeah, it's finally over!!!! On thursday was my marketing module presentation...30 minutes of presentation and 1 hour of Q&A!! As what our Prof said, the Q&A session was the toughest cos the audience can fire any questions and we had to be prepared to defend our ideas and acted confidently...Tough job! Although we did not do perfectly, we received positive comments from Prof after the whole thing ended :)

Today was my FYP FYP was done in collaboration with a company, thus today, we had to present our case to them... The HR manager, our supervisor and the Managing Director were there to listen to our presentation...luckily, they were all very friendly... and after the whole presentation, we were very happy to receive very nice comments from them... Hope the nice comments will translate into nice grade...haha.....

A heavy load off my shoulders now...However there's still my ge projects which is designing newsletter and a handbook...but I love these projects cos I like these type of stuff even though I must admit I have no talents in designing... hee.... and of course, my exams!

Let me take a break now...keke

dreaming @ 9:06 PM

Monday, March 19, 2007

Pon and Zi again! hee....

© Jeff Thomas // Azuzephre

dreaming @ 11:44 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I am an introvert!

Yesterday, OP and I went to attend the "The Unconventional" , a gathering from Marketing undergraduates, alumni and professors.. It's organized by our marketing club called " MarkeTHINK". It's a great chance for networking which is important for a "about-to-be-jobless" student like me...

However, I am really lousy at networking...I shy away from the crowd of professors and alumni, only standing behind those students that are actively socializing, trying to catch what they are talking about....

This kind of situation happens to me a lot of times already... I am an introvert and I feel rather uneasy in networking situations.. Mmm, a big weakness!! Cos it's important to network in this working world...

In this competitive world, I think I will remain un-noticed...

Random thought: do you sometimes wonder how many friends truly like you or just pretending to like you? Sigh...

dreaming @ 2:54 PM

Saturday, March 17, 2007


© Jeff Thomas // Azuzephre

dreaming @ 12:14 AM

Friday, March 16, 2007

It's tough being a woman.....

And it's even tougher being an overly-sensitive and emotional woman suffering from PMS....

I become easily upset by others' people words and tones nowsday, although I have been sensitive to all these things all the time.

I hate this feeling and to others, it may be nothing but to me, it's enough to trigger off tears. I dunno how to explain this lousy feeling.......

Mmm....I will be fine tomorrow.....

dreaming @ 12:29 AM

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


(Silly is defined here as being playful and giggly, behaving not like our actual age..haha)

When is the last time you are doing silly things? Mmm....I think adults fear to be found doing silly things as it will make them look like a clown or weirdo...The only age where people find silly as cute is when we were perhaps under 7 years old? haha...

Doing silly things can be fun... haha...However, I think we only dare to let loose of ourselves and be silly in front of our closest friends and loved ones.... Only with them do we show our "child-like" side...Let's all be silly once in a while ba!!

© Jeff Thomas // Azuzephre
A silly you and a silly me.....

dreaming @ 8:35 PM

Monday, March 12, 2007


Forever is a word that some people like to use when they make promises... "We will be best friends forever." "I love you forever."......

How many people indeed keep to the promise of "forever"? In my autograph books, all the people wrote "forever friends"...But only a rare few stay in contact with me, the rest are not even in my Friendster list... In relationships, couples will believe that their love will be ever-lasting...Maybe at that point in time, you truly meant to be together "forever"...But I still think it's not wise to promise "forever" cos many hearts are broken due to this unfulfilled promise.....

别对我说永远 永远 永远

别对我说永远 永远 永远

dreaming @ 12:59 PM

Friday, March 09, 2007

Oh no....

My final year is coming to an end, and I have only left one Marketing module and one fyp to deal with...

Yesterday, my tutor just told our class that he had wrote the exam paper and said that it would be a killer paper, so difficult that even he wouldn't take this exam...

I'm so dead! Please save me!!!!

dreaming @ 10:07 PM

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sweet dreams!

How about this sweet picture of Pon and Zi, drifiting into dreamland? It's nice to know that your loved ones are safe and sleeping soundly, isn't it?

© Jeff Thomas // Azuzephre

dreaming @ 9:24 PM

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hug! Pon and Zi

© Jeff Thomas // Azuzephre

Is that how you feel when you are away from your loved ones?

dreaming @ 9:03 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

Pon and Zi

Pon and Zi are two cute little emo cartoon characters created by Azuzephre. I find them very cute..some of the cartoons are funny, some are touching and some are sad...

© Jeff Thomas // Azuzephre
So sweeeeet........

dreaming @ 9:02 PM

Sunday, March 04, 2007

One more month...

One more month to the end of my part-time job - tuition teacher.

When I first entered university, my mum had told me to be a tuition teacher as it was a job that had flexible timings and I could make use of my free time to earn a bit of $$. I was hesitant at first cos I did not think I could handle kids. Later, after much consideration, I decided to start giving tuition. My first "customers" were 3 kids who were living together (They are from China and all 3 families are living together.)

The 3 kids did not have any foundation in English and they were starting primary 1 soon. Thus, I had to start from "A B C". I tried all methods of teachings, from drawings to big cards. Of course, sweets and stationery were "rewards" that I had to give to engage them. Kids had limited attention span!

Compared to other tuition teachers, I was considered cheap tutor cos my tuition fees were really quite low. I did not mind cos I knew they were from China and were not rich. Also, I did not think that I deserved a higher tuition fees since I had no prior teaching experience.

Later, i had 2 more new students. Actually all of them were fine initially, however as time passed, they became rather too "friendly" with me, and did not really regard me as their tutor. They became difficult to teach and playful. Perhaps I should have been fiercer. I dunno how to be fierce and strict to kids :(

Slowly, I realised that my efforts in teaching did not seem to pay off as the kids did not really listen and pay attention. Thus, I requested to quit as I did not want them to waste their money and they should get better qualified tutors.

I am now tutoring one girl, but as before, she is getting more playful, less respectful and did not really seem to make good use of the tuition time. Her results did not really improve and I felt bad and ashamed. Finally, I told her dad that I would be quitting after April.

I guess it's for the good of both of us, to the kid and to me. I always dread going to tuition as I would just feel that I am wasting their money and time. The kid seems happy that she no longer has tuition. Haha...

Just hope that all my tuition kids will do well in the future!

Perhaps, teaching isn't really for me......

dreaming @ 8:19 PM

Friday, March 02, 2007

Yummy fun

Know it's a bit too late but I had yu sheng yesterday! Chinese normally lao yu sheng on day 7 of CNY to celebrate.

This is my third time in my life eating yu sheng. 1st time with my JC CO group members, second time with my family members, this time, it is with OP..haha...

Yummy fun..keke

We followed the tradition and said our wishes while we tossed the yu sheng. Good fortune, good luck and good studies and careers ahead! Yeah!

dreaming @ 10:24 PM

~Simply Me~

Flying Paper
Likes to dream and sleep :P

This blog is like a piggy bank where I will deposit my pennies of thoughts and feelings.
This blog is simple cos it's about me.

Click here for My wedding blog

~Chatter Box~

~Peek a Boo~

My Wedding Blog
Koi Junie
Nine of Us
Yang Zi


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deviantArt- samantha whittens